Monday, July 25, 2011

Must We Suffer to Be Beautiful? Part Two

Consider BOUND FEET.  Wikipedia says it pretty well.

Can you even imagine letting anyone do this to you?  Hobbling you to the point of constant pain and inability to walk?  It was practiced into the 20th century!

Take a look at this video at YouTube if you can stomach it..those are her toes you see underneath the arch of her foot...

The shoes were pretty, but so what if you're in constant agony?

So what if men of the time found it sexy?

Consider how we still allow our culture to dictate to us that we must alter ourselves, often painfully, to be considered beautiful:  Plastic surgury, starvation diets, high heeled shoes, girdles and other "foundation" garments. 

To be truly beautiful, a woman must be happy, feel good about herself and how she looks, and feel comfortable. 

Plus size woman deserve to feel beautiful in their clothing, especially during the most important events of their lives. 

Plus size woman deserve clothing that fits their bodies and their personalities as well as the occasion. 

I founded Peggy Lutz Plus over 20 years ago to provide comfort and chic for women of all shapes and sizes of large. 

Explore the options at for plus size mothers of the bride and groom, plus size special occasion clothing and career clothing. 

Insist on comfort; you're entitled to it!  xoxo PEG

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Comfort is the Ultimate Luxury

Must we suffer to be beautiful?  Still?  It's just a couple of years shy of a century since Coco Chanel introduced sportswear and comfortable clothing for women.  The corset died hard, but it did die; sort of.

Women of fashion taking a stroll in the 1890's.  

Wasp-waisted in the 1900's.

Thanks in large part to Chanel, who created comfy sportswear for her upscale clients in 1915 made from jersey, a fabric previous only used for men's underwear!  Now that takes moxie!  So by the 1920's women were free from corsets.

So why backtrack?  Demand comfort!  No matter what size you are, you can look great and feel relaxed and comfortable for your most important occasions and every day of your life.

"I wanted to give a woman comfortable clothes that would flow with her body. A woman is closest to being naked when she is well-dressed."
Coco Chanel

We at Peggy Lutz Plus couldn't agree more!  xoxoxo PEG